Sam’s Club Checkout

In the fast-paced ecommerce landscape, a tedious checkout flow just won’t fly.

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Once a customer has selected, customized and approved their products, all that’s left to do is place the order. Sounds easy, right? Well sometimes, it’s not. Sam’s Club Photo was due for a checkout overhaul to smooth a disjointed and confusing process. Several pain points were adding up and causing a high abandonment rate, including:

  • A lengthy process without a discernable end

  • Confusion between the order review and order confirmation pages

  • Too much scrolling required to see all products in the cart, or the subtotal

Nearly every team across PNI had a hand in the planning and execution of turning this legacy checkout into a cutting edge ecommerce showpiece. Everyone had a part to play in boosting the bottom-of-funnel conversion rate and simultaneously, the customer experience.



Give the checkout a try and its design and intelligence will speak for itself. The UX and UI are the most instantly gratifying upgrades. The process is now clearly defined, users only see elements of the form that are relevant to their selections, and we’re giving them useful feedback along the way – like shipping costs, delivery estimates and error warnings.

The improvements go way beyond the surface, and they are the results of a few firsts for PNI. On the front-end, it was the first project to use CSS Grid as its structure, which allows for more flexible layouts, easier maintenance and simpler expansion—all with less code. On the back-end, it’s also the first time we wrote automated QA tests that covered every feature, Sprint and environment, which helped us capture and address issues fast.

Thanks to the incredible collaboration, this project ran like a well-oiled machine. With bottom-of-funnel conversion and overall revenue on the rise, it’s not just us and the client that are happy with what we built, the users are as well.

In a true Agile fashion, the team was committed to inspect, learn and adapt their mentality after each Sprint.